Deep Rock Galactic celebrates 10 million miners and highest monthly user count ever in 2024

Deep Rock Galactic celebrates 10 million miners and highest monthly user count ever in 2024

Coffee Stain Publishing and Ghost Ship Games, the developer behind the first-person, co-op shooter, Deep Rock Galactic, have released a 2024 Year in Review infographic celebrating the game’s continued growth.


5. Februar 2025, von Thore Varga

Deep Rock Galactic Developers Ghost Ship Publishing Reveal Brand New Co-Op Shooter ‘Guntouchables’

Deep Rock Galactic Developers Ghost Ship Publishing Reveal Brand New Co-Op Shooter ‘Guntouchables’

Today, Ghost Ship Publishing, the developer behind hit cooperative shooter Deep Rock Galactic and the publisher behind SpellRogue and Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor, has just revealed its newest upcoming title, Guntouchables. Developed by Danish indie studio Game Swing, Guntouchables is an online cooperative action roguelike shooter set in a post-apocalyptic world for 1-4 players.


26. November 2024, von Thore Varga

Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor Gets Out of Control in the ‘Into the Blue’ Update

Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor Gets Out of Control in the ‘Into the Blue’ Update

Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor, the survivor-like spin-off game developed by Funday Games and published by Ghost Ship Publishing, is turning things up to eleven with its latest update titled Into the Blue. The update introduces a new alien biome, an array of new enemies and artifacts, but most importantly Mutators, specific conditions that players can apply to their dives for extra challenge.


28. Oktober 2024, von Thore Varga

Ghost Ship Publishing Reveals Deep Rock Galactic Season 05 And More in Publisher Stream

Ghost Ship Publishing Reveals Deep Rock Galactic Season 05 And More in Publisher Stream

Ghost Ship Publishing, the company behind hit co-op game Deep Rock Galactic, has revealed further details of the next season of Deep Rock Galactic on their publisher stream Ghost Ship Publishing: On the Horizon. Alongside the Season 05: Drilling Deeper preview, the developer and publisher shared progress updates on the medieval RTS game Dinolords, as well as development updates for Early Access titles Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor and SpellRogue.


25. April 2024, von Thore Varga

Deep Rock Galactic Season 05 details teased alongside a rock-solid sixth anniversary event

Deep Rock Galactic Season 05 details teased alongside a rock-solid sixth anniversary event

Ghost Ship Games are excited to announce upcoming details of Season 05 to the hit co-op mining shooter Deep Rock Galactic!


1. März 2024, von Thore Varga

Deep Rock Galactic: Special Edition has launched physically for PlayStation 5

Deep Rock Galactic: Special Edition has launched physically for PlayStation 5

The exclusive physical release of the hit cooperative mining game comes to PlayStation 5, packed with art cards, a double-sided art poster, a Welcome Letter, and two separate downloadable content packs.


21. November 2023, von Thore Varga

Deep Rock Galactic: Special Edition, A Physical Release for PlayStation 5 today!

Deep Rock Galactic: Special Edition, A Physical Release for PlayStation 5 today!

The exclusive physical release of the hit cooperative mining game comes to PlayStation 5, packed with art cards, a double-sided art poster, a Welcome Letter, and two separate downloadable content packs.


17. November 2023, von Thore Varga

Deep Rock Galactic Season 04: Critical Corruption Launches 15th June 2023

Deep Rock Galactic Season 04: Critical Corruption Launches 15th June 2023

Coffee Stain Publishing and Ghost Ship Games have revealed the launch date of the next batch of content for the hit co-op mining shooter Deep Rock Galactic, Season 04: Critical Corruption.


18. Mai 2023, von Thore Varga

Deep Rock Galactic developer reveals publishing arm: Ghost Ship Publishing

Today, indie developer Ghost Ship Games has announced a major expansion with the launch of a new vertical: Ghost Ship Publishing. This expansion follows the tremendous growth of its debut title, cooperative shooter Deep Rock Galactic, and is the next stage of the company’s evolution following its acquisition by Embracer Group. With a slate of titles to be revealed later this year, Ghost Ship Publishing is committed to establishing itself as a launchpad for independent video games in the rapidly growing Danish games industry and beyond.


16. Februar 2023, von Thore Varga

Deep Rock Galactic Season 03: Plaguefall hits Experimental today

Deep Rock Galactic Season 03: Plaguefall hits Experimental today

Today, Deep Rock Galactic enforcers Coffee Stain Publishing and Ghost Ship Games have revealed the full details Season 03: Plaguefall as it launches on Steam Experimental. The live update is set to drop on Steam from 3rd November, and on Xbox and PlayStation from 17th November. Season 03: Plaguefall sees the sinister and highly transmissible Rockpox infecting the caverns of Hoxxes IV.


26. Oktober 2022, von Markus 'Markus S.' Schaffarz

Deep Rock Galactic Update 33 wird am 4. Februar veröffentlicht

Deep Rock Galactic Update 33 wird am 4. Februar veröffentlicht

Die Macher von Deep Rock Galactic, Coffee Stain Publishing und Ghost Ship Games, geben bekannt, dass das mit Spannung erwartete Update 33: New Frontiers am 4. Februar auf Steam erscheinen wird, die Xbox-Version folgt kurz darauf am 11. Februar! Das neueste Update für den Koop-Zwergminen-Weltraum-FPS führt eine riesige Menge neuer Inhalte ein, darunter zwei brandneue Biome mit neuen Gegnern. Azure Weald ist eine schaurig-schöne biolumineszente Schatzkammer und Hollow Bough ist eine gefährliche neue Region von Hoxxes VI, die zunächst wie das Innere eines riesigen Baumes aussieht, aber einige tödliche, fleischfressende Geheimnisse birgt.


18. Januar 2021, von Markus 'Markus S.' Schaffarz