Duet Night Abyss, a fantasy adventure RPG with high-level freedom developed by Pan Studio under Hero Games, showcased its latest demo at the 2024 Tokyo Game Show on September 26. Ahead of the event, the development team released a new gameplay trailer, revealing exciting in-game content. A TGS special program also highlighted key updates, offering a sneak peek at the official booth and its activities. The exhibit will continue through September 29.
At Tokyo Game Show 2024, KOEI TECMO and developer GUST unveiled the first teaser trailer for their new Atelier game, Atelier Resleriana: The Red Alchemist & The White Guardian. Set in the universe of Atelier Resleriana: Forgotten Alchemy and the Polar Night Liberator, this new Atelier title will embark players on a magical adventure, featuring a new protagonist.
Publisher und Entwickler GIANTS Software gibt heute bekannt, dass Landwirtschafts-Simulator 25 auf der renommierten japanischen Videospielmesse Tokyo Game Show präsentiert und auch für das Publikum spielbar ist. In Zusammenarbeit mit dem multinationalen japanischen Videospielunternehmen SEGA feiern die Macher diesen Anlass mit der Enthüllung der ersten asiatischen Map der Reihe.
Following a busy summer of events in the United States and Europe, indie publisher ESDigital Games is heading to Japan to participate in this year’s Tokyo Game Show. Running from 26-29 September, the team will be showcasing a wide selection of titles from their exciting portfolio in person at the show.
KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS, Inc., announced today that they are joining the roster of exhibitors in the Merchandise Sales Area at Tokyo Game Show 2024 (TGS); organized by the Computer Entertainment Supplier's Society of Japan (CESA). In addition, the studio will host a special stage talk for DEATH STRANDING 2: ON THE BEACH as part of the TGS Main Stage Program.