Help Spread Empathy - This War of Mine ‘Forget Celebrations’ Charity DLC Launches December 11th

Help Spread Empathy - This War of Mine ‘Forget Celebrations’ Charity DLC Launches December 11th

Ten years ago, a small team of around twenty people at 11 bit studios released This War of Mine, a game they hoped would shed light on the devastating realities of war. A decade later, its somber message feels more urgent than ever.


26. November 2024, von Thore Varga

Forget Celebrations as This War of Mine Marks its 10th Anniversary with New Charity DLC

Forget Celebrations as This War of Mine Marks its 10th Anniversary with New Charity DLC

Creating a grim portrayal of war-a game that shifts away from the industry’s action movie-like depictions to show the struggle of survival from a down-to-earth civilian perspective-was a risk. Yet, 11 bit studios couldn’t be prouder of what This War of Mine has accomplished in the decade since its release.


14. November 2024, von Thore Varga

Sadly relevant, still important, This War of Mine: Final Cut arrives on PS5, Xbox X|S and Game Pass

Sadly relevant, still important, This War of Mine: Final Cut arrives on PS5, Xbox X|S and Game Pass

Almost eight years after its release, This War of Mine remains a game with a powerful, pacifist message. Already reaching more than 7 million players around the world, 11 bit is proud to further spread this impactful story as This War of Mine: Final Cut releases today on Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5.


10. Mai 2022, von Markus 'Markus S.' Schaffarz

11 bit spendet Gewinne von This War of Mine an Ukraine

11 bit spendet Gewinne von This War of Mine an Ukraine

Angesichts des völkerrechtswidrigen Einmarsches des russischen Militärs in die Ukraine, stellt sich der polnische Entwickler und Publisher 11 bit ganz klar gegen den Krieg und spendet die Einnahmen des Anti-Kriegsspiels This War of Mine in den nächsten sieben Tagen an das Ukrainische Rote Kreuz.


25. Februar 2022, von Markus 'Markus S.' Schaffarz

Undying and This War of Mine Now Available together in ‘Between Life and Death’ Limited-Time Bundle

Undying and This War of Mine Now Available together in ‘Between Life and Death’ Limited-Time Bundle

Skystone GamesUNDYING and 11bit studiosThis War of Mine are now available for a limited time in the Between Life & Death Bundle on Steam. Available for two weeks from February 11, 2022 until February 25th, 2022, the Between Life & Death bundle gives players two fantastic narrative survival games for just $16.78 USD!


11. Februar 2022, von Markus 'Markus S.' Schaffarz

This War of Mine Achieves Milestone in Gaming History Becoming a Tool in the Polish Educational System

This War of Mine Achieves Milestone in Gaming History Becoming a Tool in the Polish Educational System

This War of Mine the remarkable experience released by 11-bit studios in 2014 achieves a milestone step in recognizing video games as a work of culture. The tale of civilians living through the torment of war, tackling moral dilemmas, and shouldering the heavy burden that people must carry when their lives are at stake was told with stark reality and praised by The New York Times, Washington Post, Die Welt, The Guardian, and other prestigious media.


18. Juni 2020, von Markus 'Markus S.' Schaffarz

This War of Mine Heads to the Nintendo Switch in a Complete Edition

This War of Mine Heads to the Nintendo Switch in a Complete Edition

11 bit studios This War of Mine, an anti-war survival game that gives insight into the heavy burden that survivors must carry during times of war, has continuously been expanded with new stories, scenarios, further civilians, and additional locations since its launch in 2014.


7. November 2018, von Alex 'Alex B.' Börner

Finalisten des Independent Games Festivals (IGF) bekannt gegeben

Finalisten des Independent Games Festivals (IGF) bekannt gegeben

Die Jury des Independent Games Festival (IGF) hat die Finalisten für die jährlich stattfindende, 17. Preisverleihung bekannt geben. Das IGF ehrt die einflussreichsten und herausragendsten Videospiel-Entwicklungen eines Jahres. Insgesamt wurden 30 außergewöhnliche Spieletitel aus dem letzten Jahr nominiert.


8. Januar 2015, von Markus 'Markus S.' Schaffarz