Lovecraft-Angler-Albtraum: DREDGE Complete Collector‘s Edition ab sofort für Nintendo Switch und PlayStation®5 erhältlich

Lovecraft-Angler-Albtraum: DREDGE Complete Collector‘s Edition ab sofort f&uuml;r Nintendo Switch<sup>&trade;</sup> und PlayStation<sup>&reg;</sup>5 erh&auml;ltlich

astragon Entertainment und Team17 Digital geben heute die Veröffentlichung der DREDGE Complete Collector‘s Edition für Nintendo Switch und PlayStation®5 (99,99€ UVP) bekannt.


17. Dezember 2024, von Markus 'Markus S.' Schaffarz

Intensiv Dark Fantasy Strategy Game GORD Form Former Witcher 3 Producer

Intensiv Dark Fantasy Strategy Game GORD Form Former Witcher 3 Producer

Team17 has today announced that it will be working with Polish game dev creative house,, to bring Gord, a single-player dark fantasy strategy game, to PC. In the world of Gord, players will lead the Tribe of the Dawn as they strive to establish new settlements and explore eerie forbidden lands while interacting with horrific creatures and deities inspired by Slavic folklore.


27. Januar 2022, von Markus 'Markus S.' Schaffarz