Songs of Conquest Catapults into 1.0 Today, Launching on Consoles in Fall 2024

Songs of Conquest Catapults into 1.0 Today, Launching on Consoles in Fall 2024

Coffee Stain Publishing and Lavapotion’s hit fantasy strategy game launches after 2 years in Early Access full of new additions and improvements, introducing the new Barya campaign alongside an imminent launch on Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X/S.


20. Mai 2024, von Thore Varga

Coffee Stain and Lavapotion announce Songs of Conquest 1.0 launch and new roadmap

Coffee Stain and Lavapotion announce Songs of Conquest 1.0 launch and new roadmap

Coffee Stain Publishing and Lavapotion are pleased to announce their fantasy turn-based strategy game Songs of Conquest will leave early access in Q1 2024. This comes as part of a newly unveiled roadmap with details of added new content and improvements on their way through 2023 and beyond - including Steam Deck support, achievements, and a brand new upcoming single player campaign!


30. August 2023, von Thore Varga

Strategy Game Songs of Conquest Reveals 2023 Early Access Roadmap!

Strategy Game Songs of Conquest Reveals 2023 Early Access Roadmap!

Lavapotion and Coffee Stain Publishing revealed the updated 2023 roadmap for their early access turn-based strategy game, Songs of Conquest, and announced a Q3 2023 launch window for the game’s 1.0 release!


25. Januar 2023, von Thore Varga

Songs of Conquest, ein fantastisches Epos von Coffee Stain und Lavapotion, kommt in Steam Early Access!

Songs of Conquest, ein fantastisches Epos von Coffee Stain und Lavapotion, kommt in Steam Early Access!

Hiermit geben wir bekannt, dass Coffee Stain Publishing und Lavapotion folgende höchst freudige Botschaft für euch haben: Ihr Fantasy-Abenteuer-Strategie-Spiel Songs of Conquest kommt heute in den Steam Early Access!


10. Mai 2022, von Markus 'Markus S.' Schaffarz