Anlässlich des Black Friday senkt Invoxia, der europäische Pionier für GPS- und Gesundheitstracker für Hunde, vom 22. November bis zum 2. Dezember 2024 die Preise für sein gesamtes Produktsortiment. Eine Gelegenheit, die man nicht verpassen sollte, um seine Wertgegenstände zu sichern und die Gesundheit seiner vierbeinigen Begleiter zu überwachen.
Invoxia, a global leader in consumer and professional trackers that monitor cars, people, pets, and valuables, today announced the Invoxia Minitailz Smart Pet Tracker, the AI wearable for pets with unique biometric technology that changes the way we monitor and track our cats and dogs health and locations. Awarded a CES Innovation Award for AI, Minitailz provides a wealth of cat scans and dog data and, with the ability to detect AFib, becomes a game-changing device for pet parents everywhere.
Invoxia has announced its award-winning Smart Dog Collar will launch commercially in Q1 2023 with a sleek new design and advanced heart tracking technology that approximates that of human ECG data. Priced at $149, with data subscriptions starting from $8.25 per month, the advanced sensor and AI technology can track and monitor a dog’s respiratory and heart vitals and its activity to provide a 3600 overview of its health, wellbeing, and whereabouts.