Fans of building, besieging and ‘wuselfaktor’ rejoice! Firefly Studios’ latest entry in their legendary ‘castle sim’ series, Stronghold: Warlords is now available on Steam, GOG, Humble and other retailers. Firefly celebrates today’s long awaited release with a final launch trailer for the game featuring fresh gameplay, the full campaign map and a story preview narrated by Rae Lim:
Along with eight unique warlord archetypes, upcoming castle sim sequel Stronghold: Warlords will feature four fully realised opponents in the form of historical AI Lords. Ranging from 300 BC China through to the 16th century, these figures live up to the game’s title in their unique castle designs, army composition, tactics and taunts. From ancient Vietnam to the founding of the Tokugawa Shogunate, please meet the AI of Warlords:
Firefly Studios has revealed a unique ‘shared base’ co-op mode for their upcoming RTS Stronghold: Warlords. Allowing players to share control of a single castle when playing together online, the game’s co-op mode is different from regular team-based multiplayer. In addition to being able to party up and build separate castles in team deathmatch, Stronghold: Warlords will also allow players to share control over a large shared army, peasant population, castle defences and network of warlords under their command.
It is with deep regret we announce to you today that we have come to the difficult decision to delay the release of Stronghold: Warlords for a second and final time. The release date will no longer be January 26th 2021. We will instead be launching Stronghold: Warlords six weeks later on March 9th 2021.
Firefly Studios has released two developer diaries for Stronghold: Warlords, the latest historical RTS in their legendary castle sim series. From siege weapons like the thunder crash bombs and mortar, to all-new warlord AI allowing players to recruit and command warlords across the map, Stronghold: Warlords will break new ground for the series:
Der Stronghold: Warlords Entwickler Firefly Studios hat neues Gameplay-Material veröffentlicht, das vier brandneue Einheiten enthüllt, die zu ihrem kommenden "Castle Sim" -RTS kommen. Jede Einheit besitzt ihre eigenen Spezialfähigkeiten, Kontern und Taktiken. Der Ninja, der Kriegermönch und die berittene Kavallerie geben in diesem neuen Video ihr Debüt in der Stronghold-Serie:
As shown during the Gamescom Studio show presented by IGN, Firefly Studios has given the world a first look at the Stronghold: Warlords Japanese single player campaign following Toyotomi Hideyoshi. This new developer commentary footage shows details on the new Warlord System and gives a closer look at the Ninja and Warrior Monk units coming to the game when Stronghold: Warlords releases January 26, 2021.
Firefly Studios has just unveiled 10 minutes of fresh gameplay for their upcoming feudal RTS, revealing six customisable siege defences available in the game at launch on September 29th. Living up to the series’ legacy as a ‘castle sim’, today’s reveal has everything from caged tigers to gunpowder traps and frontline barricades:
Firefly Studios is pleased to announce Stronghold: Warlords will include a unique Free Build game mode, allowing players to put their stronghold to the test with AI invasions. In Free Build players design a castle using near unlimited resources, customise its defences and finally launch wave after wave of invasions to put their creation to the test:
Firefly Studios are proud to announce that Stronghold: Warlords, the latest entry in the legendary castle sim series, will be released worldwide on September 29th 2020. Set to launch almost two decades since development started on the original Stronghold, the date and new co-op mode were revealed exclusively as part of IGN’s Summer of Gaming event in a new multiplayer trailer:
A new competition from Stronghold developer Firefly Studios asks fans to vote on one of four ill-fated animals to be used as the game's fourth trebuchet ammo type. Voting through the official Stronghold Discord, players will be able to decide which of the four deceased creatures can be used to spread disease in enemy castles when Stronghold: Warlords launches later this year.
Firefly Studios teased new features, modes and units in a rapid fire Q&A video featuring over 80 community questions. Senior Programmer Matt Smith discusses everything from hot keys and talking peasants to the final unit count and DLC. He even addresses the central question of whether you’ll be able to pet the (war) dog in Stronghold: Warlords:
Stronghold Crusader II geht jetzt als umfangreiche Gold Edition auf Kreuzzug. Am 26. Februar veröffentlichen Deep Silver und Firefly Studios das volle Paket spannender Schlachten in der Zeit der Kreuzritter.
Die FireFly Studios gaben uns auf der gamescom eine kleine Präsentation zu ihrem neuen Ableger der Stronghold-Reihe, namentlich Stronghold Crusader 2. Lest hier einfach nach, was es an neuen Infos und Features zu dem Anfang 2014 erscheinendem Spiel geben wird bzw. geben soll.
In Stronghold Kingdoms übernimmt der Spieler die Rolle eines mittelalterlichen Burgherren, dessen Ziel es ist, sein anfänglich kleines Dorf zu einer blühenden Metropole auszubauen.
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