Rejoice fans of horror. Abylight Studios, and Frictional Games have agreed to bring a series of terrifying games to Nintendo Switch.
Abylight Studios and the talented solo developer Yakov Butuzov, the brilliant and twisted mind that brought us Loretta and Dom Rusalok, invite you to try Anoxia Station demo before it is released on Steam.
Ave, citizens of Rome. Two months after Citadelum release on Steam (with very positive reviews) Abylight Studios presents a new campaign: The Last Conqueror of Britannia. This new free content will be released on December 17th, and will feature new maps, biomes, characters and improvements.
Ave, citizens of Rome. The time has come. After an amazing two year development, in which we put blood, sweat and tears, Abylight Studios proudly announces Citadelum is out.
Ave, zukünftige Bürger Roms!
Abylight Studios präsentiert einen neuen Citadelum-Trailer, der die drei Strategieebenen des Spiels vorstellt: Städtebau, Erkundung, Schlachten und Handel. Außerdem gibt es weitere Infos zu den Göttern, neuen Biomen und das Veröffentlichungsdatum.
Abylight Studios, der Indie-Publisher bekannt für Citadelum, Exographer und One Military Camp, präsentiert GLADIATORS OF CITADELUM, die ultimative Gladiatoren-Management-Simulation. Stelle Kämpfer in verschiedenen Disziplinen ein und trainiere sie, besiege deine Rivalen in der Arena, steige in der Rangliste auf und biete das beste Spektakel, das Rom je gesehen hat, um zu überleben. Blut und Ruhm erwarten dich!
Nach der Gamescom ist vor der Gamescom!
Abylight Studios, der Indie-Publisher bekannt für Citadelum, Exographer und One Military Camp, hatte eine erfolgreiche Woche mit zahlreichen tollen Begegnungen und einigen News, die wir kurz zusammenfassen möchten:
Abylight Studios stellt Euch das Team von Anoxia Station vorstellen. Die talentierten Macher von Loretta und Dom Rusalok: Yakov Butuzov & Daria Vodyanaya.
Abylight Studios and SciFun Games would like to invite you to play the Exographer demo in advance. Exographer is a science-inspired 2D adventure game. Join INI on a rescue mission to a lost planet. Find the remains of an extinct civilization, use its technology and discover the origin of a matter that invades six different atmospheres and 20 levels.
10 Chambers - a Swedish game development studio composed of industry veterans known for PAYDAY: The Heist and PAYDAY 2 - has today released an epic new music video and a mini-documentary showcasing their collaboration between PAYDAY and PAYDAY 2 composer, Simon Viklund; Metal Gear Rising composer, Jamie Christopherson and Argo, Transformers, and Godzilla percussionist Greg Ellis, for the upcoming Den of Wolves’ soundtrack.
Es ist fünf Monate her, dass wir Citadelum angekündigt haben - ein Strategie-/Städtebauspiel, das im antiken Rom spielt und einen Hauch von Mythologie mit sich bringt. Nun wollen wir zeigen, wie sich das Spiel entwickelt, worum es in Citadelum geht und wohin wir uns kreativ entwickeln.
Abylight Studios and SciFun Games present Exographer, a unique 2D adventure based on science. Join INI, the exographer, in a rescue mission on a stranded planet. Find clues of an extinct civilization, use their technology and discover the origin of the absurd matter invading six different atmospheres.
Classic SHMUP Super Hydorah is back. Battle Meroptian hordes aboard your Delta Lance combat ship, select from different routes and enjoy thrilling battles against 35 final bosses.
Ziggurat Interactive and developer Abylight Studios today released a new DLC for Prison Tycoon: Under New Management that offers would-be wardens all new opportunities to reform and rehabilitate their charges. Named Maximum Security, this new content drop for Ziggurat’s tycoon-meets-business-sim adds a myriad of new tools and systems to your arsenal. Engage in the reformation of Maximum Security prisoners, utilize robot and K9 guards to secure your facility, and use new and interesting therapies to rehabilitate inmates and aid them in their reintegration with the outside world.
Ziggurat Interactive, publisher of multiplatform retro and modern games, today is excited to announce the full release of its newest title Prison Tycoon: Under New Management. After serving time in Early Access, this new iteration of the beloved Prison Tycoon franchise is fully rehabilitated to “version 1.0” and launches with a free downloadable content (DLC) pack, dubbed “Roll Call.”