Ave, citizens of Rome.
Four months after Citadelum release on Steam (with very positive reviews) Abylight Studios presents a new free campaign: The Lost Eagles of Germania. This new free content will be released on February 28th, and will feature new maps, biomes, characters and improvements. It is the second free DLC after Campaign II: The Last Conqueror of Britannia.
Ave, citizens of Rome. Two months after Citadelum release on Steam (with very positive reviews) Abylight Studios presents a new campaign: The Last Conqueror of Britannia. This new free content will be released on December 17th, and will feature new maps, biomes, characters and improvements.
Abylight Studios, der Indie-Publisher bekannt für Citadelum, Exographer und One Military Camp, präsentiert GLADIATORS OF CITADELUM, die ultimative Gladiatoren-Management-Simulation. Stelle Kämpfer in verschiedenen Disziplinen ein und trainiere sie, besiege deine Rivalen in der Arena, steige in der Rangliste auf und biete das beste Spektakel, das Rom je gesehen hat, um zu überleben. Blut und Ruhm erwarten dich!
Es ist fünf Monate her, dass wir Citadelum angekündigt haben - ein Strategie-/Städtebauspiel, das im antiken Rom spielt und einen Hauch von Mythologie mit sich bringt. Nun wollen wir zeigen, wie sich das Spiel entwickelt, worum es in Citadelum geht und wohin wir uns kreativ entwickeln.
SPOOKY SEASON IS HERE. And we want to celebrate next Halloween with amazing discounts and new free content for our most creepy games.. if you dare. Check our amazing Abylight Halloween event.
At Abylight Barcelona, we are not afraid of new technologies. As a small indie studio, we like to innovate and experiment. We were the first to develop and publish a full 3D game for the Apple Watch, and we turned your living room into a racing track with RC Club and the LidAR sensor in your iPAD.
The Games from Spain initiative, supported by DEV, the Spanish video games studios association, the Spanish Ministry of Culture and Sport and the Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade (ICEX), announces some of the Spanish video games that will be featured in the Steam Next Fest that starts today and will held until June 20. From well known studios such as Fictiorama, Chibig, or Abylight to a bunch of indie companies that, in some cases, are featuring their debut titles.