Warhammer 40k: Conquest LCG angekündigt
Das Warhammer 40k Universum beehrt nun auch alle LCG-Fans.
Der Heidelberger Spieleverlag freut sich Conquest ankündigen zu dürfen. Das neue LCG entführt euch nicht nur in die Welt von Warhammer 40k, sondern auch in strategische Kämpfe, gnadenlose Kriege und wenn ihr stark genug seid auch in heldenhafte Siege. Wann die deutsche Version des Spiels erscheint steht noch nicht fest, aber es wird eine geben. Freut euch drauf, denn es wird legendär!

Deep in the Ultima Segmentum, precious resources and lost artifacts have been found in the recently explored Traxis sector. In order to secure these treasures, the Imperium of Man wages a bloody conflict, desperately holding back tides of traitors, Daemons, and Xenos alike. The foul forces of Chaos plunder and corrupt, furthering their own goals of conquest and madness. Meanwhile, alien races of all kinds build their own empires, casting out all who would challenge their dominance. Blood will be spilt. Champions will rise. The only certainty is that there can be only one victor.
Warhammer 40,000: Conquest, a brand new Living Card Game® that casts two players into a head-to-head battle for the Traxis sector! In every game, you take the part of a warlord, leading your armies into battle against your opponent in a bid to claim glorious victory. Even as you lead your bravest warriors into battle, you must plan for the future, establishing a presence on planets before the tides of war consume them in blood and fire. You must conquer the Traxis sector by strength of arms, for in the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war.