ROCKFISH Games Releases EVERSPACE 2 Closed Beta to Kickstarter Backers
The December Early Access release for EVERSPACE 2 is sounding better all the time. ROCKFISH Games has just released the EVERSPACE 2 closed beta to Kickstarter backers and it includes a TON of improvements over the already awesome Alpha.

Closed Beta Drop
We have just updated the official EVERSPACE 2 pre-release build on Steam. Alpha backers can simply fire up Steam to receive their update. Beta backers (Early Adopter Edition reward tier and higher) will find their brand new Steam keys in their email inboxes. If you don’t see your key, please be patient as keys are sent out in batches. Also, make sure to check your spam folders!
Unfortunately, the new animated main menu background did not make it into the stable Beta build on Steam. We wanted to give an early look at this improvement with you here because it adds a sense of the deep exploration that all of you can look forward to when EVERSPACE 2 launches with the additional “Union System” and even more new stuff in Early Access this December.
So, what has changed since the previous production update, you might wonder? Well, apart from new content in the Ceto system that we want you to discover for yourselves, we made further UI/UX improvements based on the much-appreciated feedback from Alpha backers. We implemented cockpit view featuring fully functional instruments, improved the visual quality of several environmental assets and the overall performance of the build, and, of course, fixed a ton of bugs. More side missions, job variations and enemy types, points of interest, and puzzles have been added as well. Last but not least, Gero, our Sound Director, has been tweaking and adding sound effects and in-game music tracks. Basically, the Beta is a heavily revamped Alpha with a few content additions as well as more and better LOOT!
Pre-Release Key Giveaways
Now, anyone who feels bummed out because of not having access to the closed Beta, there are still a few days left to participate in a massive giveaway contest at the PC Gamer Forums with 5 (five) chances to win an EVERSPACE 2 pre-release Steam key; one of which will come with a slick Alienware gaming PC - yup, no joke!

You can win THIS - just head over to our dear friends at PC Gamer before the contest ends in a few DAYS!
There are quite a few entries already, but when has an EVERSPACE pilot ever let the odds get them down? In the case you are not a lucky star on this one, there will be another run with even better starting conditions - hm, where have we heard that before?
Narrative Deep Dive
If you haven’t already checked it out, our Creative Director Uwe Wütherich, dropped a deep dive into EVERSPACE lore on The PC Gamer forums with a few tidbits about companions and the story of EVERSPACE 2. Give it a read! We’d love to hear what you think.

Spoiler Alert: The Okkar trader Tareen from the EVERSPACE - Encounters add-on will have an important come back in EVERSPACE 2. You'll find out more about his role as another companion in our narrative piece on PC Gamer.
Added functional instruments and working displays in cockpit view
Added Outlaw Detonator Drone and Outlaw Ravager to spawn tables
Added Elite enemy type
Added more points of interest
Added more puzzles
Added more events and objectives at locations
Added one more side mission
Added visible lateral thrusters on player ships
Added more loot
Added option to track resources needed for perks
Added option to track challenges
Improved player ship models (body)
Improved story campaign missions 01 - 07
Improved 1st boss fight
Improved story dialogue
Improved overall lighting
Improved and additional environmental 3D assets
Improved Home Base location
Improved item management
Improved and additional ship devices
Improved balancing
Improved in-game menu
Players can now store two additional ships at their home base
Device modes can now be unlocked individually rather than consecutive
HUD tweaks and improvements
Additional Graphics Settings (FOV slider, Gamma, V-SYNC, Motion Blur, Chromatic Aberration, SSGI, Damage Numbers, HUD Elements)
Game can now be played in fullscreen mode (fixed bug that would crash the game when Alt-Tabbing)
Fixed occasional crash when loading save games / checkpoints
Various smaller tweaks and bugfixes