XLGAMES and Kakao Games are thrilled to announce the official unveiling of their highly anticipated online action RPG, now titled ArcheAge Chronicles. Revealed as a part of Sony PlayStation’s State of Play event, this new title reflects the game's evolved vision, combining a rich, expansive and persistent world with the thrilling, fast-paced elements of an Online Action RPG, with an immersive, cinematic, and ever-evolving story told through the player’s eyes. ArcheAge Chronicles will be coming to PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, and PC via Epic Games Store and Steam.
It is with great excitement that Kakao Games and XLGames announce ArcheAge’s first content update of 2023. The Spring Update will include a wealth of improvements and reworking of in-game features, engineered by the development team to continue enhancing player experience.
Kakao Games und XLGAMES freuen sich, einen ersten Blick auf die mit Spannung erwartete MMO-Fortsetzung ArcheAge 2 werfen zu können.
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