Conflict of Nations: World War 3 Launches Season 15 - Humanity’s Resurgence

Conflict of Nations: World War 3 Launches Season 15 - Humanity’s Resurgence

Join over 900,000 monthly users now in the Gripping ‘Z: Resurgence’ Scenario which introduces revolutionary structures and new units as Dorado Games celebrates their 10 year anniversary!


17. September 2024, von Thore Varga

The Farm 51 and Wishlist Games announce Season 2 of WW3, with new modes, locations, weapons and more

The Farm 51 and Wishlist Games announce Season 2 of WW3, with new modes, locations, weapons and more

Publisher Wishlist Games and Developer The Farm 51 announced today that Operation Sunstorm, a free update for its popular tactical first-person shooter World War 3, will release on PC this March 30. The robust season two update features free-to-play content inspired by and set in Japan with two additional maps, new weapons, gear and strikes, and FUBAR, an all-new 20v20 game mode. Additionally, a battle pass with both free and premium tracks will also be released full of rewards for players to earn as they battle throughout the streets of Tokyo.


24. März 2023, von Thore Varga

Der taktische Shooter World War 3 geht am 29. September in die Open Beta

Der taktische Shooter World War 3 geht am 29. September in die Open Beta

Das Spiel wird zum Start der Open Beta kostenlos spielbar sein und hat während der Closed Beta viele Verbesserungen erfahren

GEM Capital und Wishlist Games freuen sich, ankündigen zu können, dass ihr kürzlich erworbener Taktik-Shooter World War 3 am 29. September in die Open Beta gehen wird. Alle Spieler, die ein Closed-Beta-Paket erworben haben, sind berechtigt, am 26. September an der 3-tägigen Beta teilzunehmen. Außerdem wird das Spiel ab dem 29. September für alle Spieler kostenlos sein.


23. September 2022, von Thore Varga



After the successful release of the latest Warzone Giga-Patch we have decided to run new discount. Between 12th and 24th of June, World War 3 will be available with a 40% discount on Steam. If you wanted to try a fresh, modern military experience now is your chance to do so. After the release of the 0.6 patch we feel that WW3 is in a great place and more players should find a reason to jump into the game.


14. Juni 2019, von Markus 'Markus S.' Schaffarz