Strategiespieler können ab heute das eigene Wissen über Politik, Geschichte und gesellschaftliche Entwicklung nutzen, um Indien in eine strahlende Zukunft zu führen - in Pivot of Empire, dem neuen Immersion Pack für Victoria 3, das ab heute erhältlich ist.
The East India Company, a private enterprise backed by the power of the British Parliament. governs tens of millions of subjects in India and is the center of gravity for politics in South Asia. But a population that large and diverse can only be ruled by foreign shareholders for so long before the weight of numbers imposes itself on historical destiny. Determine the fate of India in Pivot of Empire, a new expansion for Victoria 3, coming on November 21.
The young nations of South America, freed from the domination of European royalty, face a number of challenges. Continental wars of independence have proven fertile ground for military rule. Rapidly growing populations strain agrarian economies. The reforming Emperor of Brazil has a plan of modernization and liberalisation that threatens established powers in his own capital. Take the reins of a potential giant of the Americas in Victoria 3: Colossus of the South.
Lose yourself in the dramatic political maneuvering of the 19th century as famous figures from history lobby for their preferred policies in Voice of the People, a new immersion pack for Victoria 3, available. With dozens of new historical characters, you can write an intriguing new history of the Victorian age, where nihilist authors and liberal reformers challenge established authorities.
In a century of dramatic political upheaval, many world leaders had to deal with influential and charismatic figures - dynamic political personalities who forcefully advocated for social and economic progress or tried to resist the tides of history in favor of tradition. Voice of the People, a new Immersion Pack for Victoria 3, challenges you to handle some of history’s greatest political agitators, coming May 22.
Inspiriert vom einfachen, aber harten Leben der Arbeiter und Bauern, bevor die Städte und Fabriken sie zu einer neuen Art von Arbeit riefen, ist Melodies for the Masses ein neues Musikpaket für Victoria 3.
Inspired by the simple but hard lives of workers and farmers before the cities and factories called them to a new kind of labor, Melodies for the Masses is a new music pack for Victoria 3.
A revolution has many sounds. There is the tumult of protest. The crackle of gunfire. The whirring of machines and the whistle of steam. The resonant echoes of the past are only that - echoes - and not a barrier to the future you will sing. Now, Paradox Interactive invites you to conduct this symphony of noise, bringing order to the chaos of society. Erect your grand tomorrow in Victoria 3 today.
The revolutionary transformations of the century from 1836 to 1936 are under your control in Victoria 3, the eagerly anticipated grand strategy society simulator from Paradox Interactive. And now it has a release date - 25 October 2022.
Paradox Interactive has unveiled a new trailer for Victoria 3, its highly anticipated historical grand strategy game. This trailer includes the first official look at Victoria 3 gameplay, highlighting how players can overcome challenges, affect policy, and lead their nation. Victoria 3 will launch later this year for PC, and players who want to be notified when the game is available can add it to their wishlist today on Steam.