Explorers, get ready to dig into some explosive new content with the launch of Core Keeper’s first major post-1.0 update, Bags & Blasts, arriving as a free content update on all platforms on Monday, March 10th.
Pugstorm and Fireshine Games are delighted to announce that Core Keeper, the award-winning mining sandbox adventure game, will release on the Nintendo Switch™ system, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One consoles, the PlayStation®5 (PS5) system, and the PlayStation®4 system on August 27th.
Mining sandbox adventure Core Keeper is celebrating its second anniversary with a brand new Language Update enabling even more players to enjoy the game’s enchanting underground.
Fireshine Games ist hocherfreut, mitteilen zu können, dass zwei seiner Titel - das sehnlichst erwartete „Hexe mit einem wandernden Haus”-Adventure REKA vom Entwickler Emberstorm Entertainment sowie der Sandbox-Mining-Adventure-Hit Core Keeper von Entwickler Pugstorm - als Finalisten für die prestigeträchtigen gamescom awards 2023 nominiert wurden.
Em-bark on an underground adventure with all-new cuddly companions in Core Keeper’s Paws & Claws Update, the latest content update for the million-plus selling sandbox adventure game, available to download today.
Pugstorm is lighting the birthday candles and celebrating the first anniversary of Core Keeper in style with the launch of today’s special Anniversary Update, introducing a range of free in-game content from March 8th-20th.
Pugstorm is delighted to reveal a new roadmap of content for the hit mining sandbox adventure game Core Keeper, revealing a host of future updates and features coming to the game throughout 2023.