MoreFun Studios, a subsidiary of Tencent Games, announce the new title ACE FORCE 2, a revolutionary first-person shooter mobile game that brings the excitement of 5v5 hero-based tactical combat to players around the world. The game is now available on Google Play and the official website, offering an unparalleled experience in fair competition and team-based battles.
MoreFun Studios, eine Tochtergesellschaft von Tencent Game, gibt bekannt, dass Arena Breakout: Infinite, das auf der prämierten Militärsimulation basiert, in Kürze auf Steam und der offiziellen Website erscheint. Mit spezieller Waffenanpassung und taktischen Gefechten ist Infinite ein visuell starkes und immersives FPS-Erlebnis.
Global game developer MoreFun Studios, a subsidiary of Tencent Games, announced today that Arena Breakout: Infinite, based on the award-winning ultra-real immersive military simulation franchise, will break out onto Steam and the game’s official website soon. With unparalleled firearm customization and military realism, Infinite will deliver the most visually stunning and immersive FPS experience that isn’t in a perpetual alpha state. Put boots down in a new high stakes arena for free - no strings attached.
Global game developer MoreFun Studios, a subsidiary of Tencent Games, has announced that Arena Breakout’s Season 4 Into The Fog Of War update is now available to download for Android and iOS mobile devices. Tensions between Blackgold and Gresk have reached an all-time high. An assault breaks out between the two factions in Northridge over a mysterious scientist that once worked in a top secret underground lab beneath the TV station.
Global game developer MoreFun Studios, a subsidiary of Tencent Games, announced today that Arena Breakout’s Season 3 ‘Enter The Vault’ update is now available on Android and iOS mobile devices. Choose a faction to receive faction assault rifles, outfit yourself with new weapons, and watch your six as you squeeze past the new TV Station map’s tight corners. Engage in close-quarters combat to eliminate new bosses Kurt, Rolf and Bernard, then breach the vault before the other team gets there first.
MoreFun Studios, a subsidiary of Tencent Games, has announced a collaboration with martial arts icon Bruce Lee for their highly-anticipated martial arts action title, Project: The Outcast (working title). Based on the celebrated webcomic and animated series Hitori No Shita: The Outcast, the new trailer - captured entirely with in-game footage - demonstrates the depth of the game’s combat mechanics as two fighters utilize combos, counters, and throw attacks combined with mystical techniques like fireballs, energy webs, and ice attacks in a mesmerizing martial arts spectacle.
Global game developer MoreFun Studios, a subsidiary of Tencent Games, has announced that the Season 2 Battle For The Port update for Arena Breakout is now available to download for Android and iOS mobile devices. The Battle For The Port update includes the highly anticipated Storm Warning Mode, which challenges players to overcome fog and other dynamic weather effects; new weapons such as the AN94, AEK and ACE31 assault rifles, the auto DP12 shotgun and the nasty M300 revolver, all fully customizable; and the new Port map, that introduces dangerous urban warfare via abandoned buildings, underground passageways, bombed-out avenues, and more.
Entwickler MoreFun Studios, eine Tochtergesellschaft von Tencent Games, veröffentlicht heute Arena Breakout weltweit kostenlos für iOS und Android. Mehr als 10 Millionen Spieler haben sich bereits vorab angemeldet und können nun in die Dark Zone abtauchen, und auf den kriegsgeplagten Schlachtfeldern von Kamona ihr Glück machen. Andere Agenten, Kämpfer und Plünderer sind auf der Jagd nach besserer Ausrüstung und Beute - es ist wichtig, zu entscheiden, mit wem man sich anlegen und wann man sich besser zurückziehen sollte
Der internationale Spielentwickler MoreFun Studio, ein Tochterunternehmen von Tencent Games, hat angekündigt, dass Arena Breakout, ein Hardcore-Egoshooter der nächsten Generation für Mobilgeräte, am 14. Juli weltweit im App Store und auf Google Play startet. Am 26. Juni findet eine Soft-Launch-Phase in Brasilien und den Philippinen statt.
Shoot and Loot in Next-Gen Mobile FPS War Simulation Where High Stakes Equal High Rewards - Enlist Today and Put Boots to Ground Ahead of Global Launch Later This Year
MoreFun Studios Group, a subsidiary of Tencent Games, the world’s leading game development, publishing and operations platform, has announced the first Global iOS Closed Beta Test (CBT) for hardcore first-person extraction shooter Arena Breakout.