Publisher ESDIgital Games is thrilled to reveal its 2024 gamescom lineup, with some stellar titles showcasing never-before-seen gameplay in both the Business and Consumer halls at this year’s event.
Publisher ESDigital Games is thrilled to reveal a new gameplay trailer for Island of Winds, the debut action-adventure game from developer Parity Games. Prepare to be transported to 17th-century Iceland where monsters roam the land and magic fills the air. Journey through awe-inspiring locations steeped in Icelandic folklore and be immersed in an engrossing, rich story filled with adventure and intrigue.
Publisher ESDigital Games and developer Parity Games are thrilled to reveal the first developer walkthrough video for their debut action adventure-adventure title Island of Winds coming to PC and consoles in 2025.
Publisher ESDigital Games will be heading to WASD Live London this week with an exciting line-up of playable games from their upcoming portfolio of titles. Located in the T1 zone, booth T1.14 ESDigital Games will have hands-on demos of the 3D action platformer AWAKEN: Astral Blade, complex alchemy RPG Battlejuice Alchemist and the story-driven sci-fi adventure Sky of Tides.
Publisher ESDigital Games is thrilled to announce a new partnership with developer Parity Games to publish their awe-inspiring, debut action-adventure title Island of Winds for PC and consoles in late 2025.