Imperial ambitions collide in the challenging lands of Central and South Asia. The British Empire is secure in the Raj and Iraq, but has long held designs on influencing oil rich Iran and unconquerable Afghanistan - also targets of an aggressive Soviet foreign policy from the north. Rewrite the history of a region caught between bowing to a larger alliance and homegrown dreams of national strength. Can you defy the odds and possibly resurrect the glories of a far distant past?
The dramatic and dangerous years around the Second World War can take new directions in Götterdämmerung, a new expansion for Hearts of Iron IV, available now. New focus trees for Germany take center stage alongside more alternate historical paths for other nations, opening the door for new player directed stories of wars that never happened.
Hearts of Iron IV is getting another expansion, one that adds new paths and potential for some of the defining conflicts of the wartime era. Explore new alternate histories for Italy and Ethiopia, as well as one of the leading neutral powers, Switzerland, in Hearts of Iron IV: By Blood Alon.
For five years, wargamers around the world have been challenged to outbuild and outfight history’s most terrible war machines in Hearts of Iron IV, a grand strategy wargame from Paradox Development Studio. Millions of tanks and planes have been built as players fought through an infinite variety of alternate histories set against the backdrop of humanity’s greatest struggle.
For centuries, the Bosporus and Dardanelles have been key to strategy in the Mediterranean. A gate that joins the Black Sea and the Mediterranean, a short crossing that divides Europe from Asia. In the middle of a world crisis, this strait is an attractive target for any great power that seeks to dominate the region. Is neutrality even possible when war arrives on your doorstep?
Die schnellstmögliche Art, einen Gegner zu beseitigen, ist sicherlich von innen heraus. Es geht darum, Geheimnisse zu erlernen, die Industrie zu sabotieren und Codes zu entschlüsseln. In ungeschützten Bereichen hinter den Frontlinien zuzuschlagen. Agenten auszusenden, ein Netzwerk an Informanten und eine geheime Armee zu bilden, die gegen die Besatzer antreten. Denn Widerstand ist niemals zwecklos.
The quickest way to kill an enemy is to do it from within. Learn its secrets. Sabotage its industry. Break its codes. Strike at vulnerable points behind the front lines. Send agents to build a network of informants and a secret army that will rise against the occupiers. Resistance is never futile.