Gaijin Entertainment kündigt die Veröffentlichung des großen Inhaltsupdates Dance of the Dragons für das Online-Militäractionspiel War Thunder an. Es ist nach den in China hergestellten J-10 und JF-17 Kampfflugzeugen benannt, während Dutzende anderer interessanter Militärfahrzeuge zu dem Spiel hinzugefügt wurden, wie der berühmte sowjetische Su-24M-Bomber, der hochmoderne deutsche Puma-Schützenpanzer mit Spike-Raketen und der schwer bewaffnete japanische Schlachtkreuzer Amagi.
Gaijin Entertainment kündigt die Einführung riesiger Kampfroboter im postapokalyptischen Online-Actionspiel Crossout an. Mecha-Beine werden dem Design-Tool für gepanzerte Fahrzeuge hinzugefügt und ermöglichen es den Spielern, ihre Mecha-Fantasien auf dem Schlachtfeld auszuleben. Dies wird im September mit der Veröffentlichung des nächsten großen Updates für das Spiel geschehen.
Darkflow Software and Gaijin Entertainment announce the release of the I’mMortal' update for the brutal online shooter CRSED: F.O.A.D. A new unique Champion - the infernal Russian oligarch Nikolay Orlov - is joining the battle. Mystical ritual "Fog" and new cosmetic items have also been added to the game.
Darkflow Software and Gaijin Entertainment are excited to announce the worldwide release of CRSED: Cuisine Royale for Android devices. This mobile version of the brutal online shooter CRSED: F.O.A.D. brings the intensity and excitement of a console-grade online game to the palm of your hand. The game is available for free with optional purchases of cosmetic items and other content that does not influence the performance of players in battles.
Gaijin Entertainment and Darkflow Software announce that the online military shooter Enlisted, initially developed only for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S is now also available on the previous generation consoles. Owners of PlayStation 4 and Xbox One have access to the Invasion of Normandy and Battle of Tunisia campaigns, while the Battle for Moscow will be added in the next update. Naturally, they will be playing on the same servers as existing players on other platforms. The Battle of Berlin campaign is also planned for the previous generation of consoles and will become available in a few months.
Targem Games and Gaijin Entertainment announce that the new major Content Update Guiding Star is available for the post apocalyptic online vehicular action game Crossout. Players will participate in the new battle pass season to get new unique parts and will destroy the Ravagers base in a new massive PvE battle. Other updates include the renovated “Ship Graveyard” map, as well as jump pads, fire and plasma rings objects for the testing range mode.
Targem Games and Gaijin Entertainment announce the release of the Syndicate Content Update for the post apocalyptic online action Crossout. A completely new faction called the Syndicate has arrived in the wastelands, so the players are getting new tasks, new car parts and a new PvP map East quarter. The Syndicate event will be available until April, 30th.
Targem Games and Gaijin Entertainment announce the release of Content Update 0.12.30 Snowstorm in the post apocalyptic online action Crossout. Players will get the updated Christmas brawl Present Heist, festive decorations and prizes as well as a new Bobsleigh armoured vehicle.
Gaijin Entertainment and Darkflow Software announce that Cuisine Royale has received a huge update that has turned the brutal online shooter into a new game. Players get two new Champions - a voodoo practitioner from Haiti and a child of nature from Korea, a huge new map “Island of Siberia” and the revamped progression and equipment system. The update brings a lot of new content and features, like motorboats, shooting from moving vehicles, flamethrowers and mortars.
Gaijin Entertainment und Darkflow Software Studio geben bekannt, dass der militärische Online-Shooter Enlisted ab sofort auf der Xbox Series X|S und auf dem PC verfügbar ist - gleichzeitig mit der Verfügbarkeit der Konsolen. Enlisted gibt den Spielern Kontrolle über Infanterie-, Panzer- und Flugeinheiten aus dem 2. Weltkrieg und wird als Game Preview Titel vertrieben. Parallel startet die Closed Beta für PC-Spieler, die sich auf der offiziellen Website registriert haben.
Gaijin Entertainment and Darkflow Software studio announce that their military online shooter Enlisted is available now on the Xbox Series X|S and PC. Enlisted allows players to control WWII infantry squads, tanks, or aircraft and is distributed as a Game Preview title. A closed Beta Test is also available for PC players registered on the official website - [[.
Targem Games and Gaijin Entertainment announce the release of the 0.12.00 Amusement Park Content Update for the post apocalyptic online action Crossout. For the very first time players will be able to design and build their own brutal wasteland style amusement parks, test drive their personal armoured vehicles there and invite friends to check out their creations.
Targem Games and Gaijin Entertainment announce the release of the 0.11.50 “Steel Championship” Content Update in the post apocalyptic online action Crossout. Players are now getting brutal armoured vehicle football with relevant prizes as well as the new PvP map - “Ravagers Foothold”.
Targem Games and Gaijin Entertainment announce the start of the Raven’s Path event in the post apocalyptic Crossout online action game. A new nomadic faction called The Ravens has arrived in the game world that temporarily unlocks access to their technologies. The other notable addition is the new KMZ armoured car equipped with a minelayer and two machine guns.
Gaijin Entertainment gives military vehicle simulation fans yet another option to spend their quarantined days in a safe way - our next project titled Space Thunder. The new vehicle type - space forces that engage in orbital battles will be open today for the next few days in the Events menu of the War Thunder game client.
Gaijin Entertainment and Darkflow Software announce the release of the Black Sun content update for Cuisine Royale, the brutal multiplayer last-man-standing shooter with realistic weaponry, mystic traps and demonic rituals. Players will receive the spectacular rituals Sun Eclipse and Global Flood as well as a new, fifth champion - a flamboyant and bold biker queen. The update will also include new brilliant costumes, bombastic masks and heart piercing weapons, while the summer version of the Normandy map will make its triumphant return and will be available alongside the winter map.
Targem Games and Gaijin Entertainment announce the release of Update 0.10.30 Horsemen of the Apocalypse for the post-apocalyptic online action game Crossout. Players can now create their own battles with individual rulesets and invite their friends to play and observe.
Und wieder ist eine Woche vergangen, in der einiges passiert ist. Was bisher zu kurz kam, haben wir hier für Euch noch einmal zusammengefasst.