Mullet MadJack is Out Now on Xbox Platforms, including Game Pass

Mullet MadJack is Out Now on Xbox Platforms, including Game Pass

Retro FPS enthusiasts and fans of classic anime rejoice! Mullet MadJack, the Brazilian hit from developer Hammer95 Studios and publisher Epopeia Games, is out today on Game Pass and can be purchased on the Microsoft Store at a price of 19.99€| USD.


13. März 2025, von Thore Varga

Retro FPS inspired by VHS era Anime Launches on Steam this May 15

Retro FPS inspired by VHS era Anime Launches on Steam this May 15

The wait will soon be over for retro FPS enthusiasts and fans of classic anime! retro roguelite FPS with VHS era anime inspirations Mullet MadJack, the latest release from developer Hammer95 Studios and published by Epopeia Games, will be available to players worldwide on Steam this May 15.


27. April 2024, von Thore Varga

32 of Brazil Games’ Best Indie Studios are Bringing the Heat to Devcom Digital 2020

32 of Brazil Games’ Best Indie Studios are Bringing the Heat to Devcom Digital 2020

Brazil Games recently announced that 32 Brazilian game studios, including Hermit Crab Game Studio, and Rockgames, will be part of a delegation attending Devcom Digital 2020. Taking place from August 17 to 30, 2020, these incredibly talented Brazilian studios will present their latest creations, innovations, and upcoming games, as well as engage in business development, form partnerships, and come together to do what they do best - bring quality video games to the market.


20. August 2020, von Alex 'Alex B.' Börner

Gamescom in Köln: Brasilianische Kreativität

Gamescom in Köln: Brasilianische Kreativität

Die brasilianische Gaming-Industrie boomt: Mit 60 Millionen Gamern und einem Umsatzvolumen von 4,1 Millionen Dollar zählt sie zu den Top13 weltweit. Auf der Gamescom in Köln, der weltweit größten Messe für Computer- und Videospiele, präsentiert sie sich im brasilianischen Pavillon mit 18 Unternehmen dem Fachpublikum - unterstützt vom Brazilian Game Developers Export Program (BGD) und Apex Brasil, der brasilianischen Agentur zur Förderung von Handel und Investitionen.


21. August 2018, von Andreas 'ResQ' Nix