Eden Games to release Cosmic Royale on PC December 12!

Eden Games to release Cosmic Royale on PC December 12!

Game development studio Eden Games, known for legendary racing titles like V-Rally, Test Drive Unlimited and Gear.Club franchises, announces today the release date for their free to play party royale kart racing game Cosmic Royale. The game will launch with a pre-season offering early adopters the opportunity to get exclusive content, December 12 2024 on PC (Steam and Epic).


26. November 2024, von Thore Varga

Smurfs Kart hits the gas in its first gameplay trailer!

Smurfs Kart hits the gas in its first gameplay trailer!

Publisher Microids and IMPS, the Smurfs world license holder, are thrilled to reveal the first trailer for their highly anticipated upcoming kart-racing game, Smurfs Kart, and what fans can expect from upgraded Turbo Edition. The game is being developed by Eden Games, well-known for their iconic racing games (Gear.Club Unlimited, Test Drive Unlimited, V-Rally), and will launch on Nintendo Switch on November 15th, 2022.


28. September 2022, von Thore Varga

Neuer Trailer zum Racing-Game Gear.Club Unlimited!

Neuer Trailer zum Racing-Game Gear.Club Unlimited!

Entwickler Eden Games und Publisher Microïds präsentieren den brandneuen Trailer zum kommenden Racing-Game Gear.Club Unlimited für Nintendo Switch. Im Fokus des neuen Trailers steht zum einen der Performance Shop, in dem die Spieler ihre Fahrzeugsammlung nicht nur betrachten, sondern an den zahlreichen Tuning-Stationen ganz individuell gestalten können.


2. November 2017, von Alex 'Alex B.' Börner

Gear.Club Unlimited - astragon Sales & Services übernimmt DACH-Distribution für Nintendo Switch

Gear.Club Unlimited - astragon Sales &amp; Services &uuml;bernimmt DACH-Distribution f&uuml;r Nintendo Switch<sup>&trade;</sup>

astragon Sales & Services und Microïds freuen sich sehr, heute den Abschluss eines Distributionsabkommens für den Nintendo Switch-Titel Gear.Club Unlimited bekannt geben zu dürfen.


29. September 2017, von Alex 'Alex B.' Börner