Indie crime hit Drug Dealer Simulator gets a free Visual Update after 4 years!

Indie crime hit Drug Dealer Simulator gets a free Visual Update after 4 years!

The fans of the 2020 surprise indie hit Drug Dealer Simulator just got a surprise. After more than 4 years, the game received a free visual update on Steam and GOG - with the original version still being available on a dedicated Steam branch.

DDS is currently available with a 90% discount!


26. August 2024, von Thore Varga

Drug Dealer Simulator - controversial indie hit with a huge Endgame update!

Drug Dealer Simulator - controversial indie hit with a huge Endgame update!

Drug Dealer Simulator, a game with a very special premise, and also a huge indie hit, just got its final major update: Endgame! Every owner can get hours of new content for free. Non-owners can grab the base game on Steam with a 70% discount, and the game has also debuted on Meanwhile, Drug Dealer Simulator 2 is in the works.


7. Dezember 2022, von Thore Varga

PC indie hit Drug Dealer Simulator gets a huge free update!

PC indie hit Drug Dealer Simulator gets a huge free update!

Movie Games and Byterunners Game Studio have the pleasure to announce that the free Uptown Kings Update for the hit title Drug Dealer Simulator is now live on Steam. In the first hours after its 2020 premiere, the game ranked first on the global Steam bestseller list. Currently the game is at 53% discount.


2. Februar 2022, von Markus 'Markus S.' Schaffarz

Drug Dealer Simulator hits the streets on 16th April

Drug Dealer Simulator hits the streets on 16th April

Have you ever wondered what it's like to be a drug dealer? What problems, as well as moral dilemmas, must someone face in dark alleys selling the grass, mushrooms and various other (un) interesting substances? Who must fight against the merciless competition, law enforcement officers, as well as their own fears and conscience?


21. März 2020, von Markus 'Markus S.' Schaffarz