DeathOmen is a short psychological horror game that challenges players to maintain their sanity over the nights in a mysterious house that hides mystery and fear. It’s a journey of constant change, full of disturbing events and jump scares.
Step into the rugged world of a medieval blacksmith, where fire, iron, and determination shape both weapons and legends. In Blacksmith Simulator Prologue, players will manage their own forge, craft intricate weapons and tools, and engage in the fundamental processes of metallurgy-melting, hammering, tempering, and assembling. The game delivers a realistic and engaging simulation of blacksmithing, allowing players to hone their skills before embarking on the full experience.
When the harshness of the sea meets the cruelties of war, a challenge for perseverance makes itself known. And it is like none other. Welcome to Aircraft Carrier Survival, a simulator set in the merciless reality of World War II, where your prowess as a commander decides the fate of a naval behemoth
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