Today, publisher Atari and developer Llamasoft (the studio behind Tempest 4000™ and Akka Arrh) are jazzed to announce I, Robot - legendary game developer Jeff Minter’s reality-defying reinvention of the classic 1984 Atari arcade shooter of the same name. Reimagined in Minter’s signature assault of colors, shapes, and sounds, RETURN TO THE GRIND and experience MAINFRAME MAYHEM when I, Robot digitally manifests on PC and consoles in spring 2025.
Publisher Atari und Entwickler Sneakybox haben heute das rundenbasierte Rollenspiel Days of Doom veröffentlicht.
In Days of Doom rekrutieren Spieler eine Schar von Helden, mit der sie sich Zombiehorden und anderen Feinden stellen, um das Sanktuarium, eine Zuflucht im postapokalyptischen Ödland, zu erreichen.
Atari kehrt mit Haunted House zu seinen Horrorwurzeln zurück. Der Titel ist eine Roguelite-Wiedergeburt des ersten Survival-Horrorspiels überhaupt, das 1982 sein Debüt auf dem Atari 2600 gefeiert hat. Neu aufgelegt als Stealth-Horror-Abenteuer aus dem Hause Orbit Studio, den Machern von Retro Machina, wird Haunted House ab dem 12. Oktober 2023 den PC und Konsolen heimsuchen.
Atari® - one of the world's most iconic consumer brands and interactive entertainment producers - is delighted to reveal today the next entry in its lineup of original games: Days of Doom, a tactical turn-based roguelite set in an unorthodox post-apocalyptic world. Coming later this year to Windows PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4/5, Xbox One, X|S, and Atari VCS, Days of Doom reinvents a tried-and-true formula, adding quirky characters, unexpected enemies, and intense, engaging combat set against a vibrant and eerie backdrop.
Atari® - one of the world's most iconic consumer brands and interactive entertainment producers - is delighted to reveal today the next entry in its lineup of original games: Days of Doom, a tactical turn-based roguelite set in an unorthodox post-apocalyptic world. Coming later this year to Windows PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4/5, Xbox One, X|S, and Atari VCS, Days of Doom reinvents a tried-and-true formula, adding quirky characters, unexpected enemies, and intense, engaging combat set against a vibrant and eerie backdrop.
Atari has revealed a new behind-the-scenes video with legendary game designer Jeff Minter. In it, Minter discusses the recently launched Akka Arrh, the psychedelic, retro-inspired tube shooter based on an infamous Atari prototype from the early 80s.
Atari® - one of the world's most iconic consumer brands and interactive entertainment producers - today revealed Akka Arrh, a hypnotic new wave shooter from legendary game designer Jeff Minter. Coming to PC, PlayStation 4|5, Xbox X|S, Nintendo Switch, and Atari VCS in early 2023, Akka Arrh is another great addition to Atari’s growing portfolio of new retro-infused titles.
It’s nearly time to go bug-wild, as Atari has announced an August 23, 2022, launch date for Yars: Recharged, the latest entry in the publisher’s popular Atari Recharged series. Complementing the announcement, Atari has also dropped a brand new teaser trailer depicting the game’s entrancing bullet hell gameplay and neo-retro aesthetic.
Atari® - one of the world's most iconic consumer brands and interactive entertainment producers - today invites players to breakout of the mold with the explosive new release of Breakout: Recharged on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4|5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Atari VCS, and PC (via Steam and Epic Games Store).
Atari® - one of the world's most iconic consumer brands and interactive entertainment producers - and Plex, the popular streaming media platform for all your favorite media, today announced a partnership to feature Plex on the upcoming Atari VCS™ PC/console hybrid gaming and entertainment system when it launches this November.