Hellslave the game, not the shampoo

Hellslave the game, not the shampoo

Hellslave is the first dungeon crawler RPG, that will ensure you kill a lot of demons, loot tons of stuf AND have hair that smells wonderful.

PID Games and Ars Goetia are extremely proud to announce that Hellslave, the classical C-RPG release today on Steam, Good old Games and EGS. Ride your horse, throw your dices! Hell starts here!


27. Mai 2022, von Alex 'Alex B.' Börner

PID Games signs a pact with the devil

PID Games signs a pact with the devil

[iPID Games warns of the imminent arrival of a demonic horde with Hellslave, the next game by Ars Goetia.]
The PID Games conference was in full swing on Friday, September 3rd, when the french publisher announced its upcoming indie releases. Those include Hellslave, a dark and apocalyptic dungeon crawler which points out a promising collaboration with Ars Goetia, creator of previous hit The Blind Prophet.


14. September 2021, von Markus 'Markus S.' Schaffarz