Sorry We’re Closed Physical Announcement, Console Launch and PC Update

Sorry We’re Closed Physical Announcement, Console Launch and PC Update

Developer à la mode games and publisher Akupara Games officially launch their survival-horror, Sorry We’re Closed, on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 & 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S today!


6. März 2025, von Thore Varga

Assemble erstmals mit eigenem Spotlight bei MIX Next vertreten

Assemble erstmals mit eigenem Spotlight bei MIX Next vertreten

Publisher Assemble Entertainment enthüllt seinen ersten MIX Showcase während des digitalen Indie-Events MIX Next 2022! Zusammen mit anderen bekannten Indie-Publishern wie Raw Fury und Akupara Games nimmt Assemble Entertainment am Publisher Spotlight des MIX Next 2022-Festivals teil, einem Event, das Indie-Spiele aus der ganzen Welt zelebriert.


28. Oktober 2022, von Markus 'Markus S.' Schaffarz

Spinch is Out Now on Steam and Switch

Spinch is Out Now on Steam and Switch

Canadian developer Queen Bee Games, along with publisher Akupara Games, launched their highly anticipated psychedelic platformer, Spinch, on September 3rd, 2020 for PC, Mac, and the Nintendo Switch. Spinch is a visual 2D platformer created by award winning Canadian cartoonist Jesse Jacobs, with audio composition by famed Canadian artist Thesis Sahib. Spinch is rated E for Everyone, and is available now with a limited time launch discount on Steam, GoG, Humble, and the Nintendo eShop.


9. September 2020, von Markus 'Markus S.' Schaffarz