Get ready to face the mighty Kong and embark on a thrilling journey!

Get ready to face the mighty Kong and embark on a thrilling journey!

Stacy - David’s beloved daughter - is lost amidst the city, crumbling under the weight of the Titans’ showdown. Utilize the surrounding technology, to manipulate the Titans' movements and use their destructive force to your advantage. Navigate through this metroidvania-inspired world swarmed with collapsing buildings, toxic leaks, raging fires, and pure chaos.


22. Oktober 2024, von Thore Varga

Football Cup 2024 launches on Nintendo Switch

Football Cup 2024 launches on Nintendo Switch

Football Cup 2024, the newest installment of the known football series, is live now on Nintendo Switch! So get ready to harness your football skills and lead your team to international glory! Lace-up your boots and get ready to hit the field like never before!


11. April 2024, von Thore Varga

7Levels brings another indie gem to Nintendo Switch! The clever puzzle game Railbound will launch on the platform on December 1st this year.

7Levels brings another indie gem to Nintendo Switch<sup>&trade;</sup>! The clever puzzle game Railbound will launch on the platform on December 1st this year.

Praised by both the media and gamers, Railbound is set to arrive at Nintendo Switch station this December. Watch the gameplay trailer and get ready for a journey full of cute dogs and lovely landscapes.


14. November 2022, von Markus 'Markus S.' Schaffarz

Space Commander: War and Trade starts its mission on Nintendo Switch today! Choose your career path, & dive into the authentic sandbox RPG experience

Space Commander: War and Trade starts its mission on Nintendo Switch<sup>&trade;</sup> today! Choose your career path, &amp; dive into the authentic sandbox RPG experience

Fight epic battles with aliens, explore the farthest corners of the universe, build a trading empire, and expand your space fleet in Space Commander: War and Trade - now available on Nintendo Switch.


13. Mai 2021, von Alex 'Alex B.' Börner

Ready for the kickoff? Football Cup 2021 launches on Nintendo Switch today! Try to compete with the best soccer teams in the world and get to the top!

Ready for the kickoff? Football Cup 2021 launches on Nintendo Switch today! Try to compete with the best soccer teams in the world and get to the top!

Fame, money, and glory await, but only for those willing to reach for it. Have you got what it takes to plan the right strategy, train your players, and then withstand the pressure while staring down the best forwards in the world?


12. Februar 2021, von Markus 'Markus S.' Schaffarz

Warm up the engines as Warplanes: WW1 Sky Aces is getting ready to invade Nintendo Switch on December 11th of this year!

Warm up the engines as Warplanes: WW1 Sky Aces is getting ready to invade Nintendo Switch<sup>&trade;</sup> on December 11th of this year!

Examine both your flying skills and your machine’s capabilities in extreme war conditions, where constructors and pilots alike were learning their planes’ limits. Become a legend of air combat at the dawn of its existence, ensure that your name is widely known among your enemies, and change the tides of war!


27. November 2020, von Markus 'Markus S.' Schaffarz

Castle of Heart für Nintendo Switch - Die physiche Veröffentlichung steht vor der Tür!

Castle of Heart f&uuml;r Nintendo Switch - Die physiche Ver&ouml;ffentlichung steht vor der T&uuml;r!

First Press Games bestätigt den finalen Release Termin von Castle of Heart und gibt bekannt, dass die physische Version kurz vor dem Versand steht.

Der Switch-exklusive Action-Plattformer von 7LEVELS im Ghouls N' Vania-Stil, wird in einer vollständig lokalisierten japanischen und englischen Regular Edition veröffentlicht. Der Termin der Veröffentlichung wird Mittwoch, der 16. September 2020 sein. Die dazugehörige Collector's Edition, mit zusätzlichen Extras, wird im Laufe des Oktobers 2020 erhältlich sein.


18. August 2020, von Alex 'Alex B.' Börner

7Levels brings Solitaire TriPeaks Flowers and Crowdy Farm: Puzzle to Nintendo Switch

7Levels brings Solitaire TriPeaks Flowers and Crowdy Farm: Puzzle to Nintendo Switch

Enjoy the stress-free experience of playing one of the hundreds of levels of the most addictive version of the solitaire card game there is. Alternately, sit back, alone or with your child, and see how much fun you’ll have while solving dozens of brain-teasers to bring order to your animal farm.


10. Juli 2020, von Markus 'Markus S.' Schaffarz

Jet Kave Adventure is back with a FREE update landing now on Nintendo Switch

Jet Kave Adventure is back with a FREE update landing now on Nintendo Switch

Jet Kave Adventure - an action-packed Stone-Fiction platformer - won’t let its audience rest in a cave for too long. This experience is far from over thanks to a brand-new Arcade Mode, Online Rankings, and more. And in case you don’t own the game yet - Jet Kave Adventure, including the free new content, is now 30% off for a limited time


14. Februar 2020, von Markus 'Markus S.' Schaffarz

Action-Plattformer Castle of Heart startet heute exklusiv für Nintendo Switch!

Action-Plattformer Castle of Heart startet heute exklusiv f&uuml;r Nintendo Switch!

Der klassische Action-Plattformer Castle of Heart vom polnischen Entwicklerstudio 7levels, ist ab sofort im deutschen Nintendo eShop zum Preis von €14,99 für Nintendo Switch erhältlich. Die Spieler schlüpfen in die Rolle eines Ritters, der gegen den Fluch eines finsteren Zauberers, der ihn langsam zu Stein verwandelt, ankämpft.


23. März 2018, von Markus 'Markus S.' Schaffarz