Sprout Valley's first anniversary is coming up! Celebrate with us with a special update and a huge number of surprises!
Thank you for this exciting year!
During this time, over 140 000 players have found respite at Nico's side on his journey through Ostara - land that is now bustling with life like never before!
The first anniversary is no small occasion! Therefore, on the occasion of this uncommon event, from today, plenty of additional content awaits players! Check it out for yourself!
What awaits players in the anniversary update? From today you can change Nico's appearance and use a new emoji. From 8th of September, on the day of the anniversary, players can play with new pet and sprays with a lot of drawings.

Do you prefer a Cactus or maybe a Panda? There will be 20 brand-new Nico skins to choose from! Robot, Zombie or Pumpkin? A little hint: You don't have to decide on one you can change them every day at will!
From September 8th we will welcome Momo, the new adorable sidekick, who has unique skills that players will love while harvesting! Picking all the items from the ground and placing them immediately in their inventory is a snap for him! Collecting resources has never been so enjoyable!

Or maybe players will feel that it is time for a change in decoration? A new spray tool coming on the anniversary date and will then come to their aid. They can use it to create various patterns on the ground from an extensive library! Is anyone dreaming of a floor decorated with stars? Here you go!
And all their excitement about the new update players can express with a brand new Nico emoji!
Sprout Valley is an adorable farming simulator, in pixel-art style. Its protagonist, Nico the cat, has decided to escape from the hustle and bustle of city life straight into nature, to regain peace of mind and find his own place there.
The little hero divides his time between designing his dream garden, raising plants and animals, getting acquainted with the inhabitants, participating in themed events and traversing the vast land to discover its secrets.