New: Harry but not Potter, heroes of a magical world
PID Games and GinTronic are calling on you to free Wizardonia from evil. Your new quest is called Fireball Wizard, discover it now

He looks like Dumbledore but his name is Harry, welcome to Fireball Wizard! Today, French publisher PID Games unveils your next fantastic adventure, lovingly crafted by GinTronic studio. This friendly platform game will teleport you through more than 40 levels, where spells and secrets will enchant you.
Wizardonia needs you.
Lands of Wizardonia are invaded by evil spirits. Many are the supernatural creatures, coming from the hordes led by dreadful bosses, to threaten these once so peaceful lands. Only magic can free Wizardonia, and you play as the only wizard able to achieve such a quest, Harry. But he won't be able to do it alone, it's up to you to unlock the 9 characters who will join the fight on his side.
You still have a little time to register to potions class, but in the meantime, stay tuned. All it takes is a wave of your wand to add Fireball Wizard to your wishlist.