The next Lovecraftian Adventure from the creators of THE SHORE
Earlier this year, the upcoming 4-person Lovecraftian Co-Op called Eresys announced its Kickstarter campaign. The game is being developed by Dragonis Games, the company consists of the people behind the successful Lovecraftian Adventure known as The Shore. The development seems to be an ongoing process since the official pages and the developer usually share work-in-progress content on Social Media. As we can see from the recently released roadmap, the game is expected to get released in Q1 of 2023 for PC.

The Cthulhu's spawn can be found in the deep caves of Eresys, where they serve Lord Cthulhu mindlessly. These caves are usually connected to the sea or rivers. It is common for Cthulhu's spawns to be extremely aggressive towards anyone who approaches them. They are also blind, which is why they live in caves where sounds echo and darkness reigns.
The Guide who holds the lantern is a Deep one from Innsmouth he is a worshiper of Dagon, and his purpose is to take the cultists to certain islands by boat so they can complete their mission.
Deep Ones are immortal until slain (so are any hybrid offspring), and may be worshipped by humans. From time to time, the Deep Ones establish and foster relationships with isolated human communities, offering to trade golden treasures from the depths of the sea, along with bountiful fish catches, in return for certain promises.
We are celebrating Steam Winter Sales with a great offer on the bundles of Dragonis Games. You can now save 81% off Dragonis Ultimate Collection that includes The Shore & The Shore VR until the 5th of January.

Eresys’ Pre-Launch page is available on Kickstarter where you can follow the project to get notified once it gets launched on the platform. The team has announced that there are going to be some limited early bird packages. As it concerns, the goals and the other pledges of the campaign remain unknown. Follow the campaign to support the team and stay tuned for the upcoming crowd-funding campaign.

You can also add Eresys to your Steam Wishlist and get notified when it becomes available.