The Light of Stars Rocks the Heavens - Infinite Lagrange Beacon Festival Reunion Event
Now that 2023 has officially started, Infinite Lagrange can't wait to present the first wave of surprises of the new year to all Explorers. During times of reunion, the time we spend together is priceless. The Beacon Festival has returned again to Infinite Lagrange to bring more warm experiences and fun gameplay to all Explorers.
Wishful Light Message - Light From Other Side
Warmth and Humanity Still Exist in the Cold Universe
Limitless warmth exists in this vast and cold universe. Explorers have created many festivals in the long history of the Lagrange galaxy, and the Beacon Festival is one of the warmest, reunion-themed festivals among them. To commemorate the large number of beacons released under Project Otherside and commend humans for their brave pioneering spirit that makes them explore the universe, people celebrate a festival called the Beacon Festival during the period of the new moon in the first calendar month in the Lagrange Network.

The Beacons are the crystallization of all Explorers' efforts to advance together in Lagrange over a long period of time. At this time every year, Explorers will reunite to release Flying Star Lanterns, leave messages, celebrate the past year's harvest, and wish for great returns in the coming year. The beacon-filled sky also illuminates the journey home of many Explorers across thousands of light years.
New Ship Blueprints
Beacon Festival: Reunion Upgrades
During times of reunion, the time we can spend together becomes even more precious than ever. This year's Beacon Festival includes reunion-themed gameplay upgrades and limited-time benefits. The light of stars rocks the heavens. With full sincerity, the project team brings Explorers a new reunion experience. Last year's Between the Stars gameplay was very well received by Explorers and was upgraded into a race between Orgs. In addition to playing this gameplay in single-player mode, Explorers can also control a UAV to avoid various space obstacles and fly longer distances in a Union Race. At the same time, the new Racing Between the Stars chat channel provides all Explorers with a platform to share the latest updates of races and interact with each other.
The Gravity Challenge will be the second surprise of this year's Beacon Festival. Consisting of 8 levels, Explorers will receive rewards for each corresponding level after clearing them for the first time. In this Beacon Festival, we'll also be releasing a major ship blueprint. The famous weapon manufacturer Thunderbolt Group has developed blueprints for a new Thunderbolt Star Arsenal Ship, which is equipped with Thunderbolt Group's super high-energy ion cannon and mobile military industry integration system. The flagship feature also gives Explorers various tactical options.

NOMA Shipping Group will also release the blueprints of a new Ediacaran Auxiliary Ship, which can deploy various tactical UAVs to provide diverse and comprehensive fire support and can produce Auxiliary Ships, making it a ship that can strengthen the fleet's ability to engage in sustained combat. It is essentially a "moving fortress" in space.

The light of stars rocks the heavens. This year's Beacon Festival is full of exciting events! Infinite Lagrange sincerely invites everyone to gather together in this warm and caring world under the cold void of space. Let us unite together sincerely to build a space civilization and develop the Lagrange universe together!