The Last Starship - Alpha 2 (Fred & Barney)

Watch Mark and Chris walk you through all the updates that made the Alpha 2 drop - an update so large that it has precisely equivalent mass to Sagittarius A*.

We sketch out the plan for new game modes, take a deep dive into industry and manufacturing and cover ship to ship transfer, docking and more!
Our plan is to release a free update to TLS every 6 weeks, we'll release a YT vid and follow up with a livestream AMA on steam. We need your help to make our vision a reality, so please, like, subscribe, tweet @IVSoftware, post in the steam forums, contribute to the Wiki, wishlist, tell your mates, put up posters in your neighbourhood and get your local politician to play - TLS Gamers of the world UNITE!

31. März 2023, von Thore Varga