Squad Update 5.0 Adds The People’s Liberation Army Marines, Plus Bug Fixes & Enhancements
Today, Offworld Industries is proud to bring Update 5.0 to Squad, the latest series of enhancements for its wildly successful tactical shooter. This brand-new series of additions and improvements is headlined by the introduction of The People’s Liberation Army Navy Marine Corps, or PLANMC: Chinese forces expertly trained in amphibious ops, marine warfare, and naval combat. The first major update since last year’s addition of the PLA, Update 5.0 arrives just in time for the Steam Summer Sale-June 29th to July 13th-when the game will be available at a special 25% discount!
The PLANMC utilizes a unique digital blue-tinted naval camouflage pattern that identifies them as a naval invasion force. As well, some gameplay layers feature the PLA Amphibious Ground Forces, which are very similar to PLANMC except for their use of standard woodland digital camouflage for a better tactical advantage on the mainland.
The PLANMC also brings a host of new vehicles and kit roles to the battlefield:

In addition, Update 5.0 introduces the Russian Airborne Forces to Squad. The Russian VDV is a fully mechanized Russian Armed Forces branch specializing in fast and hard-hitting amphibious assaults. And to cap it off, two brand-new Emote Packs-the Attitude Pack & Free PT Pack-let players add insult to injury as they take on their opponents in sweeping, no-holds-barred 50v50 action.
Check out the official Squad 5.0 release notes for the full list of features and additions!

Squad is a large-scale combined-arms multiplayer first-person shooter emphasizing combat realism through communication and team play, emphasizing strong squad cohesion mechanics as well as larger-scale coordination, tactics, and planning. It features 23 massive open maps, vehicle-based combined arms gameplay, and player-constructed bases to create a heart-thumping, visceral gaming experience with split-second decision-making in real-world scale firefights.