Red Barrels Requests Early Access Subjects to Participate in The Outerlast Trials
[uRed Barrels], the independent game development studio based in Montréal, has officially announced the Early Access release date for The Outlast Trials, which will come to Steam and Epic Games Store on May 18, 2023.
Players were first granted access to Murkoff’s Sinyala Facility last Halloween for the Closed Beta experience. Running from Friday 28 October to Tuesday 1 November, almost 1 million players signed up for the terrifying challenge, with successful players racking up a total of 35 years of play time spent in the Closed Beta weekend.
“The Closed Beta was just a taste of what’s to come in The Outlast Trials,” said Philippe Morin, Co-Founder of Red Barrels. “Our first round of willing participants to take part in the trials provided us with some insightful feedback and very interesting data, which we have used to improve the experience.
“We received so many requests for the Closed Beta that we’re looking forward to welcoming even more players to The Outlast Trials when it comes to Early Access on May 18th.”
The Outlast Trials Closed Beta gameplay data:
225,363 player deaths
656,180 players incapacitated
352,851,550 secs (11 years) spent in Night Vision
1,841,161 number of times Active Skill was used
35 years total time spent in The Outlast Trials by players during the Closed Beta

A brand new take on the acclaimed Outlast survival horror series, The Outlast Trials is set in the same terrifying universe as the previous titles, only this time you can choose to play on your own or with friends in a team of up to four people.
Set in the height of the Cold War era, players take on the role of test subjects abducted by the shadowy Murkoff Corporation. Imprisoned in a secret Murkoff facility, players will be thrust into a series of physical and mental ordeals, tormented by iconic characters, and challenged alone or in teams to survive with their sanity intact.