Not For Broadcast now available on PC, Consoles & VR
The National Nightly News is broadcasting on all channels today, as developers NotGames and publisher tinyBuild proudly announce that the sizzlingly satirical news-editing hit Not For Broadcast is live on Xbox One, Series S/X plus PlayStation 4 & 5 consoles, with new Live & Spooky DLC available for consoles & PC.
Not For Broadcast is also out on Meta Quest 2/Pro headsets and Steam VR for your most immersive, chaotic and disastrous news-editing experience yet. Take a peek at everything that's fit for the airwaves in the new trailer below:
Dive into the utterly bizarre world of British live television today in Not For Broadcast. Set in an alternate 1980s, become the editor for Channel One's National Nightly News show. Switch between camera feeds, bleep out dangerous (or just plain rude) ideas, and decide what stories are fit to go nationwide. Not like it could completely change the course of history, right?
Whether on PC, console or in VR, Channel One's editing desk interface is a dream to use. Hit those buttons, turn those dials and play the ads of your choosing one VHS at a time. Just don't let ratings drop, or you're out of a job.
Curious how we ended up with a new FMV game in 2023? Ponder no longer, and let developers NotGames explain in their musical history video below. You'll laugh! You'll cry! You'll want to buy their games!
Also available today on PC and Consoles: The new Live & Spooky DLC, first of three new chapters coming in the Not For Broadcast season pass. Return to the editing room in this special show, taking news-anchor Patrick Bannon on a mysterious mission to a 'haunted' backlot. Clearly there's no such thing as ghosts, but supernatural schlock makes for great ratings.
This one's a bit more involved than your usual broadcast as you lead Patrick and crew from room to room. Whether you're digging up old secrets or keeping things fresh with a little bit of spooky editing wizardry, this one's in your hands, and how it all ends depends on your choices.

Not For Broadcast is out now on Xbox and PlayStation stores, accompanied by the new Live & Spooky DLC, and priced at $24.99 for the base game or $39.99 including the season pass. Not For Broadcast VR is also available separately on Steam and the Meta Quest store.