NARAKA: BLADEPOINT Is A Huge Success On Steam’s Best Of 2021 Lists
NetEase Games and 24 Entertainment have announced that NARAKA: BLADEPOINT has joined the Winter Sales on both the Epic Games Store and Steam. NARAKA: BLADEPOINT is an epic martial arts-themed battle royale, where players combine their melee combat skills with ranged weapons and the unique powers of their chosen heroes, in order to defeat all foes and be the last one standing.
Steam’s Best of 2021 Sale is now live and its lists break down the biggest games of the year. NARAKA: BLADEPOINT has hit high positions on some of the most important Best of 2021 lists on Steam. NARAKA: BLADEPOINT is in the Platinum category of the “Top Sellers” list and the “New Releases” lists, and in is in the Over 100,000 Peak Players category of the “Most Played” list. This is a staggering achievement for a game to achieve within its first six months of release, as it is beating and competing with some of the biggest names in the industry.

NARAKA: BLADEPOINT launched on August 11th, 2021. Since then, it has already added two new heroes to its roster. The most recent NARAKA: BLADEPOINT event added the legendary martial artist Bruce Lee skin to the game, allowing players to unleash the fury of the dragon against their opponents. The response to the game from both critics and gamers has been staggering, with over six million copies sold on the PC platform. The first official NARAKA: BLADEPOINT world tournament was held in 2021, and the next one is already being planned for 2022, with an estimated $1.5 million prize pool.
Now is the perfect time to get into NARAKA: BLADEPOINT, as the game is on sale across all platforms. From now until January 5th, the Steam version of
NARAKA: BLADEPOINT costs $13.99/£12.59,
NARAKA: BLADEPOINT - Deluxe Edition costs $24.49/£21.69, and
NARAKA: BLADEPOINT - Ultimate Edition costs $34.99/£32.19.
From now until January 6th, the Epic Games Store version of
NARAKA: BLADEPOINT costs $15.99/£14.39,
NARAKA: BLADEPOINT - Deluxe Edition costs $24.49/£21.69, and
NARAKA: BLADEPOINT - Ultimate Edition costs $34.99/£32.19.
The holiday period is the best time to sharpen your NARAKA: BLADEPOINT skills, as 2022 is going to be an even bigger year for the game.