Lil' Guardsman Releases on Nintendo Switch in Physical Format on 8th August!
Get cosy as Super Rare Games teams up with Hilltop Studios & tinyBuild to bring you the hilarious. .. Lil' Guardsman, in an exclusive physical format on Nintendo Switch™!
Play as Lil, a 12-year-old covering for her dad Hamish as a castle gate guard. While on the job Lil draws the attention of the three royal advisors, each with their own agenda. Before long you become involved in conspiracy and diplomacy, and your choices determine the fate of the entire kingdom!
Decide the fate of the kingdom!
You will question humans, elves, goblins, cyclopes, and other fantasy creatures using your powers of deduction to determine who to admit or deny based on how they respond to your questions and your trusty tools.
+ Interrogation Puzzles: Interrogate 100+ fully voiced characters in just the right way to earn a perfect score.
Tools of the trade: Spend your hard earned gold wisely on powering up your guardsman toolkit, and strategically deploy these to admit or deny the right people or. .. goblins?
Rewind Time: Use your trusty Chronometer3000 to go back and get a higher score. .. but be careful not to break space and time in the process.