Journey to a mysterious land of giant shadow creatures in Strayed Lights

Evocative action adventure Strayed Lights, in which you play a tiny light beset by rogue shadow creatures, will be launching on PC and consoles at the end of April. Developer Embers has dropped a reveal trailer alongside the announcement, revealing glimpses of the game’s dark and beautiful world, fluid yet challenging combat and exploration imbued with quasi-mystical themes.

Fight your inner demons and restore your balance

In Strayed Lights, you travel through otherworldly regions of misty woods, glowing ruins and corrupted cities while pursued by eerie shadow creatures. You also take on boss fights with colossal creatures wrought with unbridled emotion.

Your tiny light will grow, picking up new abilities and increasing in size, before eventually evolving into a pseudo-mystical entity imbued with vivid powers. Meanwhile, you’ll get a glimpse at the mysteries of the surrounding world, whether through other strayed lights like yourself, or different creatures entirely.

The game is set to an atmospheric soundtrack that reflects states of feeling in creatures you encounter, by Grammy award-winning composer Austin Wintory - whose previous projects include Journey, Abzû and The Banner Saga Series.

27. Januar 2023, von Thore Varga