It's not just any job - it's YOUR NIGHT JOB!
Singapore-based publisher Soft Source, together with developer Webcore Games, are pleased to announce the digital release of My Night Job for Nintendo Switch consoles worldwide on 27th February 2025.
About My Night Job
My Night Job sends players into an abandoned building and sicks hordes of monsters on them. Players will have to use a variety of weapons to save their skin and master the challenge of leading survivors to safety, while also defending the building from invaders. They can use more than 60 weapons, from vases and floor lamps to chainsaws, shotguns and ginormous hammers. But beware - if too many rooms are thrashed or the player's health bar runs out, the end may be nearer than you originally thought.

Game Features:
Carefully designed: Never before has an abandoned mansion looked so inviting for explorers.
Old School feel: The way it used to be, but better.
Not just decoration: Your Achievements become actual in-game bonuses.
Discoveries galore: Find something new around every corner.
Endless horror: A total of 11 types of monsters are waiting to be defeated with more than 60 unique weapons or your bare hands.
+ Guaranteed adrenaline rush: The longer you play, the harder it will get.