Game Boy Color Infinity Kickstarter - New Switch port Stretch Goal Added
Incube8 Games wanted to inform you that the Infinity Kickstarter campaign to complete the 20-year-old unpublished tactical RPG for GameBoy Color has added its 20th stretch goal.
The new Infinity stretch goal will offer the Nintendo Switch and Steam enhanced versions if the campaign is successful in raising $350,000.
In being enhanced, it won’t be a simple one-to-one port from the Game Boy Color to the Switch. We hope to be able to utilize the improved hardware of the Switch in order to offer a few small but important quality improvements, such as modern aspect ratios and improved audio.
This stretch goal also stands to benefit a previously unlocked stretch goal as well, as the development done to enhance Infinity for the Switch will also allow us to make similar improvements on the Steam port!

There are 7 days left to end the funding campaign.