Farming Simulator 22 Announces Year 2 Season Pass - New Trailer
GIANTS Software applies fresh fertilizer by announcing the second year of content for Farming Simulator 22: With the Year 2 Season Pass, new crops will sprout on the soil, and new machines will roll on the fields of a new map.
While the exact content of the upcoming game extensions is yet to be revealed, virtual farmers can already secure their steady stream of additions while benefiting from a heavy discount. The season pass is available now!
Roadmap for the Sophomore Season of Farming Simulator 22:
Pack 1: Early 2023
Pack 2: Mid 2023
Pack 3: Mid 2023
Pack 4: Late 2023
Expansion: Late 2023
Bonus: BM-Volvo LM 845

“We are not done with Farming Simulator 22 by a long shot”, ensures Boris Stefan, Head of Publishing at GIANTS Software. “We will introduce even more machines, mechanics, and brand partnerships our dedicated community can look forward to in the very near future. With over four million copies sold since launch, we have all the more reason to upgrade the second season pass with even more content than before.”
Up to 30% Off with the Season Pass!
The Year 2 Season Pass grants players access to four official packs as well as an expansion including a new map by publisher and developer GIANTS Software. Compared to the past year’s season pass, fans get one more additional pack.
To throw a little bonus into the mix, every buyer of the season pass receives the BM-Volvo LM 845 for immediate access, the first articulated loader produced by Volvo. Also, fans benefit from the price advantage compared to buying the content separately - they save up to 30%.
Recap Video Looks Back at 2022
Within the first year of Farming Simulator 22, GIANTS Software released three content packs and one heavy expansion as part of the Year 1 Season Pass. A recap video released by GIANTS Software looks back at the first year, when fans also enjoyed multiple free content updates, two free DLCs, a series of single new machines and the third-party pack Pumps N’ Hoses.