EVA showcases the first VR ESPORTS stadium!
EVA is proud to unveil for the first time its new revolutionary concept of VR ESPORTS stadium. Earlier last month, visitors of the Paris Games Week festival were able to discover the 1,000 square meter stadium (>10,000 sqf), hosting VR esports competition and exhibition games throughout the festival.

A new dimension for Free Roaming VR
At the cutting edge of technology, EVA will offer VR headset equipped players an unparralel immersive experience as they move freely in the play area. During the Paris Games Week festival, 4v4 competitive matches were held on a specifically reworked version of the Arcade VR title Ater-H.

“We are very excited to make every FPS player’s dream a reality and we are delighted to reveal it for the first time at the Paris Games Week this year” said Jean Mariotte, EVA co-founder.
Spectators at the heart of the EVA concept
EVA not only offers a free roaming VR experience for the players but also proposes a first class sport show for the public. The stadium can welcome up to 500 spectators able to witness every move the competitors will make in the game area whilst watching their in-game actions displayed on the gigantic LED screens above the stadium. Matches were also streamed live and commented on in real time.
A sucess for the first ever competition
During the month of October, an inter-arcade competition on the arcade version of After-H determined the final 4 teams that would battle for victory and the 5,000 Euros cash prize during grand finale of the PGW Cup. 20 VR arcade rooms across Europe took part in the tournament leading to the final event held in our exclusive stadium on November 2. The competition was broadcast on the esports channel ES1 and saw the victory of the team TDS. You can check all the action on the EVA Stadium Twitch channel:
Public launch as early as 2020
The firsts EVA Stadium should be open to the public during 2020 in France and internationally. The turn key concept developed by EVA is set to revolutionize VR esports by offering a multi competitive game experience and a community platform for all VR esport players: EVA.GG