Atari’s Airborne Ranger - a MicroProse Classic - is Now Available on Steam and GOG
The latest from Atari is the long-awaited re-release of Airborne Ranger, one of MicroProse’s most critically acclaimed war games. Available now on Windows PC via GOG for $7.99 (with a limited time launch discount) and coming soon to Steam, Airborne Ranger invites players behind enemy lines where a well-aimed shot and quick decision making will prove to be the difference between success or critical failure.
In Airborne Ranger, you must complete 12 challenging missions, initiated by choosing the appropriately-skilled ranger for the job ahead. Missions begin by piloting the brand new V-22 Osprey and picking locations to drop three ammo crates deep in enemy territory. Each supply crate contains ammunition, time bombs, first-aid kits, and grenades or LAW rockets, depending on your briefing. Choose locations wisely: you can only carry so much ammo, so resupply is critical. Then, it’s time to parachute in and get to work. Dropping in is no easy task, as you must steer your parafoil to a safe landing.
Missions in Airborne Ranger include jobs like destroying military targets and sabotaging installations, to rescuing POWs and stealing secrets. You’ll need to navigate enemy troops and officers, minefields, foxholes and bunkers, switching between stealth and surgically accurate combat to succeed. At times, you might even need to steal an enemy uniform to reach the objective. And you better get back to the LZ for exfil in time, or you’ll get captured. If you get captured, welcome to your next mission - you’ll need to mount a rescue attempt before you can complete the job!

Key Features Include:
Leverage Your Location: Understanding the environment is critical to success. Lure enemies onto slippery ice in the Arctic; hide under brush and in water in the Jungle. Does your location call for melee or gunfire? A delayed timebomb that promises your escape? Sprint across an open field, or crawl into a trench to avoid detection?
One Way to Colonel: Practice mode lets you try individual missions; once you're up to par you can step up to Veteran mode, where you will have to complete all 12 timed missions as a campaign. Rank up with each successful mission, all the way to a full colonel in the U.S. Airborne Rangers.
It’s Authentic, Baby: Airborne Ranger features a historically accurate arsenal of weapons from the ‘80s, as well as realistically trained rangers to choose from per mission type.
Originally released in 1987 to mass public and critical acclaim, Airborne Ranger was lauded for its “highly realistic” details ranging from the action and violence to its audio nuances. Computer Magazine called it, “ An excellent game from beginning to end,” and the game is widely regarded by retro enthusiasts as the pioneer of the stealth shooter genre.
Airborne Ranger is now available on GOG, with a special 20% launch discount as part of the GOG Winter Sale and featured in the Atari Publisher Spotlight. Airborne Ranger will launch on Steam on December 22nd. In the coming months, GOG will welcome several other Atari classics to GOG, including Qomp, Tempest 4000, RCT Classic, and Dragon View.